Crazy Busy: A (mercifully) Short Book About a (really) Big Problem

CHRISTIAN LIVING  [ Browse Items ]
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“I’M TOO BUSY!” We’ve all heard it. We’ve all said it. All too often, busyness gets the best of us. Just one look at our jam-packed schedules tells us how hard it can be to strike a well-reasoned balance between doing nothing and doing it all. That’s why award-winning author and pastor Kevin DeYoung addresses the busyness problem head on in his newest book, Crazy Busy — and not with the typical arsenal of time management tips, but rather with the biblical tools we need to get to the source of the issue and pull the problem out by the roots. Highly practical and super short, Crazy Busy will help you put an end to “busyness as usual.” - from Amzon 
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Our world today has really grown from what it used to be and has now become modernized. We now have cars, aeroplanes, the internet, smartphones and many other gadgets. These have eased everything and have brought a wide range of opportunities for everyone. Therefore everyone jumps at every opportunity they can and gets involved in a whole lot of activity. Whether it be parenting or work or school or business or any other engagement, thus it is a safe assumption that everyone is fairly busy. Kevin Deyoung, in his book Crazy busy, seeks to explore what this means for a modern day Christian and how the believer can grow in this area.
The author, sets out with a goal to give a theological base and a bit of practical approach to busyness. He, however, highlights that he does not write the book from a place of expertise but rather from a place of wanting to grow in this area. He tackles this topic in this way: three dangers to avoid (chapter 2), seven diagnoses (chapters 3-9), one thing you must do (chapter 10).
Here are but a few lessons I was able to pick up from the book. Busyness is a modern day reality that imperils our joy, our hearts and our souls and there is but one solution; the Great Physician. Busyness is often a manifestation of different forms of pride, which can only be cured by selflessness. That, believers are called to do anything to follow Jesus and not to do everything. Like Jesus, believers need to have priorities. This is because no one can do it all, also so as to serve effectively and that believers need let others set priorities because none of us is God to be prioritised all the time. Parenting is more of who we are rather than what we do, therefore parenting calls for wisdom with a good dose of prayer and Biblical reflection. Technology can be dangerous, but also very beneficial provided it is used with theologically informed wisdom. That part of being productive is resting, therefore the author urges fellow believers to be Godly and develop a healthy rhythm of work and rest.
The author takes a surprising turn in the ninth chapter, where if one doesn’t heed to the author’s caution one may think the author were contradicting all he had said in the chapters preceding this one. In this chapter, he suggests that, believers like Paul, are called to bear their crosses by being healthily busy. The author concludes his book not with a self-help make-over plan to becoming less hectic, rather he concludes with a call for believers to invest in spending a little more time with Jesus. He suggests “we won’t say no to more craziness until we can say yes to more Jesus”1.
Overall, I really enjoyed this read, for me it was both very encouraging and greatly rebuking. I loved the way the author organized his thoughts and how he handled the whole topic. I liked the way he identified the problem and suggested practical and Biblical solutions to it. If you are like me, and you find yourself constantly overwhelmed by school, work or anything else you do every day, I highly recommend this book for you.
Review by Eric Kioko. (TransformD 2017)
4 years ago


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